uchch varg example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest उच्च वर्ग uchch varg news and headlines :
1. रेलवे के उच्च वर्ग श्रेणी के किरायों में बढ़ोतरी LiveHindustan2. गायत्री देवी ने राज्य में उच्च वर्ग के लोगों के... bhaskar.comUsage and Example of uchch varg 1. विक्टोरिया कालीन बि्रटेन में उच्च वर्ग के लोग-कुलीन और पूँजीपति वर्ग- हाथों से बनी चीज़ों को तरजीह देते थे। 2. यह लत समाज के सभी वर्गों - दुकानदार, सरकारी कर्मचारी, सेना के लोग, उच्च वर्ग और भिखारियों में फैल गई थी। 1. The king's head rested on a painted wooden pillow in red and his feet shod with gilded bronze, were placed on a wooden base 2. By this time all the rationalist elite had put a point of honor to be affiliated to Masonic lodges 3. Emmanuel remains a popular musician of a small elite 4. He preferred trade of his peers, bourgeois and intellectual elite 5. His growing influence with the German revolutionary elite concerned Marx and Engels; the latter undertakes to demystify the Socialist curious: it was Mr

Given are the examples of hindi word uchch varg usage in english sentences. The examples of uchch varg are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., the upper class, the upper crust, gilded, the jet set.

He sold cats and dogs and monkeys; he dealt in fish food and bird seed, prescribed remedies for ailing canaries, and displayed on his shelves long rows of ornate and gilded cages.

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